A digital plus
in the medical software area
We are among the market leaders in many of the areas in which we operate, thanks to a clear vision, which allowed us to identify opportunities generated by the dynamism of an emerging market.
Softeh Plus
30 years a plus
in technology
Softeh Plus is among the first private companies with 100% Romanian capital in the field. All this time, we have dedicated ourselves to the development and implementation of appropriate software solutions in fields such: pharmacies, construction, medicine, insurance, accounting, management, commerce.
Know-how is the power
We can advise you for new projects and for optimizing existing applications both.
Softeh Plus has a team of highly qualified people, specialized in creating web and mobile applications, graphical modules and top interfaces. Enjoy the benefits of being a Softeh Plus customer and having access to our knowledge creatively and ultimately to the results you need to be successful in your business.
We are different. Some will call us crazy, but we like to think outside the box. In order to survive in such fierce competition, you have to be a little different from the rest, come out in a positive way. Our commitment is to come up with stellar creative concepts and to imagine applications at a higher level.
A top developed app needs a top designed interface
Design outside the box –
this is our way of thinking.
Softeh Plus has a team of highly qualified people, specialized in creating web and mobile applications, graphical modules and top interfaces. Enjoy the benefits of being a Softeh Plus customer and having access to our knowledge creatively and ultimately to the results you need to be successful in your business.
We are different. Some will call us crazy, but we like to think outside the box. In order to survive in such fierce competition, you have to be a little different from the rest, come out in a positive way. Our commitment is to come up with stellar creative concepts and to imagine applications at a higher level.
Dev title - O aplicatie de top are nevoie de un cod pe masura
Design outside the box –
acesta e modul nostru de a gandi.
Softeh Plus are o echipă formată din persoane cu înaltă calificare, specializată în crearea de aplicatii web și mobile utilizatori, module grafice si interfete de top. Bucurați-vă de avantajele de a fi un client Softeh Plus și de a avea acces la cunoștințele noastre, în mod creativ și, în final, la rezultatele de care aveți nevoie pentru a avea succes în afacerea dvs.
Suntem diferiti. Unii ne vor numi nebuni, dar ne place să ne gândim în afara cutiei. Pentru a supraviețui într-o concurență atât de aprigă, trebuie să fii puțin diferit de restul, ieși în evidență într-un mod pozitiv. Angajamentul nostru este să venim cu concepte creative stelare și să imaginam aplicatii la un nivel superior.
Support title - O aplicatie de top are nevoie de un cod pe masura
Design outside the box –
acesta e modul nostru de a gandi.
Softeh Plus are o echipă formată din persoane cu înaltă calificare, specializată în crearea de aplicatii web și mobile utilizatori, module grafice si interfete de top. Bucurați-vă de avantajele de a fi un client Softeh Plus și de a avea acces la cunoștințele noastre, în mod creativ și, în final, la rezultatele de care aveți nevoie pentru a avea succes în afacerea dvs.
Suntem diferiti. Unii ne vor numi nebuni, dar ne place să ne gândim în afara cutiei. Pentru a supraviețui într-o concurență atât de aprigă, trebuie să fii puțin diferit de restul, ieși în evidență într-un mod pozitiv. Angajamentul nostru este să venim cu concepte creative stelare și să imaginam aplicatii la un nivel superior.
27 ani de plus
in tehnologie
Softeh Plus este printre primele companii private cu capital 100% romanesc din domeniu. In tot acest timp ne-am dedicat dezvoltarii si implementarii de solutii software adecvate in domenii de activitate ca: farmacii, constructii, medicina, asigurari, contabilitate, gestiune, comert.
Suntem printre liderii de piata in multe din domeniile in care activam, lucru datorat unei viziuni clare, care ne-a permis sa identificam oportunitati generate de dinamismul unei piete emergente. Astfel, de-a lungul anilor, Softeh Plus a dovedit ca suportul oferit firmelor din Romania prin implementarea unui sistem informatic performant a contribuit in mare masura la dezvoltarea clientilor nostri. In prezent, portofoliul nostru contine peste 4000 de clienti si 10.000 de utilizatori in Romania din foarte multe verticale.
Softeh Plus debuted in 1993 on the software market with an MS-DOS based app for quotations-offers, made for constructions and installations areas.
The year is marked by a strong expansion in the pharma area, with specialized systems in the management of pharmacies and pharmacy chains.
2003 – 2006: the development concerning the medical services area adds to the apps list the activity of hospitals, clinics and laboratories
We develop a full Enterprise Resource Planning solution capable of ensuring the complete management of information within an organization.
We carry the first apps on the web, using modern frameworks. Softeh plus lays the foundation for the first mobile apps.
In the desire to improve and diversify the offer of services and products, Softeh Plus has joined the Microsoft Partner Network program, obtaining after 5 years of collaboration the status of Gold Partner.
In our activity we use the latest technologies such as Microsoft .NET, Microsoft SQL Server, Windows Azure etc.
In order to adapt to the market conditions and the requirements of the beneficiaries, Softeh Plus has followed a specialized program for Oracle partners – “Oracle Partner Network”.
Through this program Oracle partners obtain all the necessary resources for the preparation and detailed knowledge of the IT products and solutions in the portfolio of the multinational in question. The essential element created through the prism of Oracle Partne rNetwork is the ability of the affiliated partners to differentiate through the specializations obtained through the development of competences, the results obtained within the market, the expertise and the proven success in the business environment.
In May 2011, Softeh Plus obtained the title “Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Specialization”, which proves recognized skills for developing, implementing and selling Oracle Business Intelligence solutions in complex IT projects, where advanced tools for analysis and control over the activity are required. view of decision support. Also, through the specialization obtained, Softeh Plus can make available to the potential beneficiaries a series of facilities designed to help present the competitive advantages specific to Oracle products and technologies.
In other words, Softeh Plus is currently benefiting from the practical experience demonstrated in providing the Oracle BI solution with which it is possible to identify and adjust the deficient processes so as to meet the efficiency requirements of the beneficiary companies.
The partnership between Softeh Plus and certSIGN began as early as 2009, when, following an analysis of digital security service providers, Softeh Plus considered certSIGN to be the best fit for its customers.
Softeh Plus recommends digital certificates issued by certSIGN and ensures compatibility between certSIGN’s own software and hardware products.
certSIGN, the first provider of 100% Romanian certification services, is accredited in accordance with the Law of electronic signature in Romania and with the ISO 27001 standard, certification granted by the British Standard Institute (BSI).
Qualified certificates issued by certSIGN benefit from national coverage and, in addition, are recognized in all those countries whose laws ensure the recognition of certificates issued by an accredited certification service provider based in an EU Member State or which have agreements in this meaning, to which Romania is a part.
Wanna be a part of a young and fun team?
We are looking for new co-workers!