The solution ensures the registration of all medicine inputs / outputs (according to the Health Insurance House lists) over batches and expiration dates, by simultaneously updating the Medicine Stock. In addition, it is interfaced with the OSMR Hub within the drug serialization project. Organizes the Medicine Stock evidence on as many management levels as necessary, recording all the outputs (Registry Sheet, Invoices, Returns, etc.). Performs the daily reporting of the SERMS Medicine Stock, the consumption of FARMCI and NHPCJ Medicine, generating stock movements and centralization reports. It natively integrates with all the ERP PAA system modules / options in order to outline a complete solution dedicated to Medical Centers, ensuring the data processing up to the level of accounting registration.
It presents the following main functionalities (without being limited to them): Ensuring the supply flow according to the Contract – Order – Invoice (Reception); Medicine Stocks transfer towards consumption places (ex: Wards Devices); Medicine Issuance based on the completed registry sheets from clinical departments – Drug Consumption per Patient; Ensuring the Medicine processing based on elaborations; Inventory of Medicine Stocks; Tracking the Medicine Stock Movement within the pharmacy to ensure an equality between the written and the factual stocks.