Medical Cost Management
ALApplication within Power Hospital that ensures the computerization of data processing processes, calculation Statement / Consumptions and reporting to institutions, related to the patient's flow from Admission to Outsourcing, within clinical structures with beds or emergency for continuous hospitalizations.

Medical Cost Management provides the following functionalities, but not limited to them:
- Configuration – Hospital architecture, consumption typology, access and security policy (according to GDPR provisions), analysis and formistic reports used, trace, additional information, etc.
- Programming at Internment and Surgical Interventions, including the declaration of tickets and their validation on CNAS servers, etc.
- Internship – Opening F.O. by type of hospitalization continuous, day or presentations in the guard room/ UPU-CPU, together with the verification process on the patient's insured quality (online or based on health card) and signing and validation in 72 hours. Completion of the UPU file and triage possibility – opening f.O. admission to the hospital at the level of the presentation sheets, etc. Printing the first page of the F.O. and indication of the salon/reserve and free bed reserved according to the schedule, by consulting the occupancy and the free beds within the type of reserve scheduled, including its occupancy, etc.
- Management – By ensuring easy access to a patient's medical history and easily finding an F.O. based on advanced filtering criteria. Tracking the history of the results of laboratory investigations at the patient level. Automatic generation of daily statistical reports – Food Sheet, Food Sheet Supplement, Input Centralizer, DischargeD Centralizer, Progameti situation on discharge, Centralizer located, Monthly Centralizer, etc. The Management of the Attendants. Management of medical information at the F.O. level. or the patient through the patient's medical history and electronic file;
- Posting consumptions / expenses / documents / medical information
- Registration of surgical procedures/interventions at the F.O. level, including in a group based on batteries of predefined procedures. Registration of participants in the execution of procedures/interventions. Recording of diagnoses (send, internship, main code 1 discharge, code 2 on discharge with consistent check, at 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, secondary diagnoses / Complications; Diagnostics Causes of Accident). Registration of transfers and modifications (Transfers to other wards/salons, change in diet, change of attending physician, etc.). Document registration – in electronic archiving system on the default structure (attach external documents at F.O. level. , Patient , Diagnosis, etc.). Recording Results Imaging – with the possibility of viewing them from the F.O. level; Registration of Medical Leave; Registration Services and Consumptions at the F.O. level; Registration consmum drugs – based on Electronic Condica Sheets operated / based on stock at the level of the management of the closed circuit Pharmacy with real-time scriptic discharge. Registration of Sanitary Material Consumptions – based on the consumption sheets operated and on the basis of the stock at the level of established managements and access rights. Recording laboratory investigations – based on requests for laboratory investigations made at the F.O. level. internal or external laboratories. Registration of other medical services – quantities, types of services. Registration of various services – quantities and types of services. Recording of medical information by case/ episode/ specialty / type of consultation at the level of the patient's electronic file on personalized files, etc.