Public Institutions
ERP - Power Account Anywhere Public
Public Institutions Accounting
ERP Informatics System that guarantees the management and automation of all informational flows generated within the General and Administrative Departments of a Public Institution. The applications were created for each area of accounting, being designed on the modularity principle so as to offer increased flexibility depending on the specificity of an institution. The modules, options and applications integrated within this IT solution concurrently define its functionalities.
Modules, Options and Applications of the ERP – Power Account Anywhere Public
Module that incorporates multiple functionalities that manage various activities in terms of storing and operating the Primary Documents generated by the activity flow. Concurrently, this component provides Stocks management by processing the primary documents that affect stocks, as well as their permanent monitoring, whether it refers to raw materials, auxiliary materials or inventory items.
Because the Public Institutions have an accounting process organized on commitment principles, the PAA Gestoc Budget solution is adapted to evaluate the stocks at the acquisition value (with VAT) and register them on Financing Sources and Budget Items, by providing specific processing interfaces updated in accordance with the demand of registration, accounting organization and ForexeBug reporting, according to the recommendations imposed by the Ministry of Finance.
Furthermore, part of the facilities refers to keeping the record of all primary documents (Customer-Supplier Contracts, Customer-Supplier Orders, Internal Supply Orders, Service Provider Invoices and Inventories, Issuing Customer Invoices and Customer-Supplier Tax Receipts, Customer-Supplier Shipping Notices, Pro-Forma Records, Receipts-Payments Register and Bank Accounts, various inputs/outputs, Effects’ evidence etc.).
Aside from the above mentioned, the software provides the Inventory Management (Stock Balances, Product-Material Files, Current Stock, Inventories, etc.); Receipts-Payments Records (Receipts-Payment statements, uncollected-unpaid statements, Debit-Credit dating reports, Exceeding due Penalty payment calculation, etc.).
Therefore, this software delineates the basis for the operational area from a financial point of view – Accounting and Management. As for its main functionalities, the application includes: Ensuring the management of all Primary Documents and automating the entire possible flow; Automating the Accounting Process; Automating the Stocks Movement and Tracking activities; Ensuring a complete suite of accounting reports useful for Accounting / Acquisitions departments, etc.
The General (Financial) Accounting module that represents the ERP-PAA core, concentrating all the accounting information of an economic unit, carrying out the Financial Accounting, Internal Management Accounting, and Commitment Accounting as well, over reporting structures conductive to the Ministry of Finance – Forexebug. Allows the follow-up of all financial-accounting situations regarding the current situations and the previous periods as well, in real time.
Ensures the centralization and consolidation of the information emerging from Financial Accounting (classes 1-7), Commitment Accounting (class 8) and Management Accounting (class 9) procedures, up to the level of Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, Profit and Loss statements. Within the ERP – Power Account Anywhere software, this module functions as a container that receives and centralizes accounting transactions, all resulting from operating primary documents, calculating liquidation and depreciation levels, etc.
Implemented within the Financial – Accounting department, this software assures: Chart of Accounts and Accounting Rules administration, Management and Tracking of all accounting records generated through an operational flow (ex: Primary Documents, Depreciation of Fixed Assets & Operations, Salary Calculation etc.), Generating Revenue and Expenses closing notes and revaluation, Generating Accounting Reports (Journal, General Ledger, Balance of Accounts, etc.), Reporting verifications.
Moreover, as for the applications’ main functionalities there could be mentioned: the Automatic centralization of all Accounting Records – in accordance with the Ministry of Finance’s recommendations regarding the reporting process; the Generation of all specific reports based on accounting records (ex: Balance Sheets, General Ledger, etc.), Automating the monthly closing procedures (Revenue – Expenses and other operations) etc.
Module designed for Public Institutions’ management of Fixed Assets and record of Property Items. This module provides calculation mechanisms regarding the depreciation and automates the accounting records’ generation directly into the PAA-Contab module over Financing Sources and Budget Items. It allows configuring the depreciation methods and keeps track of non-deductible depreciation for tax purposes, by separately highlighting all types of depreciation (deductible / non-deductible) within analysis reports. Among the depreciation regimes, this module includes: linear, accelerated, digressive AD1, digressive AD2 and manual. The states of fixed assets allowed within the application are: normal, in reserve / available, in conservation.
Ensures the possibility to multiply fixed assets, starting from the characteristics detained by one of them and automatically generating an inventory number for the following. Moreover, as for the applications’ facilities there could be mentioned: a complete management of Fixed Assets and Inventory Objects, Automatic generation of all reports specific to Fixed Assets management and accounting, etc.
Module within ERP PAA software that monitors the budget execution for Public Institutions. Permits the operation and management of the approved budget credits over Financing Sources and Budget Items, as well as of the employment proposals, budget commitments, liquidations, authorizations and payments. Automates the process of verifying the authorizations’ availability and planning, sustaining their generation and transfer towards OPFV in order to print the payment orders. Upholds the payments’ automatic generation as well, updating the statements based on operations. Moreover, provides an extensive set of reports suitable for an appropriate analysis and budget support, under a preventive financial control.
As regards the main functionalities, this module offers (without being limited to them): Automation and calculation mechanisms for the ALOP process available over the informational flow Hiring Proposal – Budget Commitment – Legal Commitment – Liquidation – Authorization – Payment; ALOP Documents’ automatic generation based on the primary documents processed within the approved budget credits; Automatic generation of payment orders through OPFV starting from the authorization level, as well as the corresponding Budget Execution generation up to the level of payments; Interface with ForexeBug by retrieving the commitment codes required for setting up the payment orders; Automatic development of all situations specific to ALOP & Budget Executions on SF and AB; Ensuring automatic Accounting techniques, etc.
This module is mainly assigned to the Financial – Accounting Department in order to ensure: Initiating requests for opening the Budget Credits; Establishing the budget over Financing Sources and Budget Items – Maximum approved budget credits on SF / AB; Budget Corrections’ registration; Tracking and printing proposals for Hiring Expenses (PAC) / Budget Commitments (AB) / Legal commitments (AL) / Liquidations (L) generated by operating the primary documents (ex: Contracts, Orders, Invoices); Generating and printing the liquidations’ payment authorization and payment orders through OPFV; Tracking the payments on SF and AB that follow-up the treasury statements’ operation; Tracking the Budget Execution by initiating its associated situations and reports (ex: Situation regarding the execution of the Hired Expenses Budget, Expenses Budget account, Expenses and payments, Financial Control Register etc.)
Component of the ERP PAA software designed to manage the Procurement Department within Public Institutions. Centralizes and aggregates Necessity reports, automatically generating the Annual Plan of Acquisitions / Investments based on the history of acquisitions and / or the necessity reports. Provides tracking and management activities regarding the procurement procedures and the suppliers’ framework agreements. Moreover, automates the process of determining the parameters covering the estimation notes (suppliers & prices) based on the necessity reports initiated at the level of the departmental structures.
This module endorses the traceability of quantities and values over the informational flow Necessity Reports – Annual Procurement / Investment Plan – Suppliers Offers – Framework Suppliers Agreements etc. Besides, it can be implemented in other departmental structures as well to ensure the initiation and follow-up of the corresponding Necessity Reports.
By natively integrating with PAA A.L.O.P and PAA Gestoc Budget components, this module allows the utilization of diverse nomenclatures regarding the Budget Items, Financing Sources, Materials, Medicine and Services which are necessary for: drawing up the Annual Plan; Carrying out procurement procedures and concluding framework agreements; Sustaining a comparative analysis between the Annual Plan values and Budget Items; Ensuring the connection and transfer of information from the framework agreements towards the operational area (connection with Procurement Invoices, orders, suppliers contracts).
Software Solution outlined for automating the reporting process towards the Ministry of Finance – ForexeBug. Ensures the extraction and preparation of the recorded data throughout the above-mentioned IT Solutions (from the level of transactions and balance verification, over the structure established by the Ministry of Finance for reporting to ForexeBug) for reporting purposes. Consequently, it ensures the reporting process with reference to the Opening Balance – F1101, Verification Balance – F1102, Individual Budget – F1103, Non-treasury Execution – F1115, Overdue payments – F1118, Financial Assets and Liabilities Statements – F1125, Balance Sheet Open Month 12 – F1127, Other annexes – F1133.
Computer System designed for holding the Evidence of Mechanization and Auto Means, an essential tool in automating the calculation process regarding the Operational Indices and Fleet Management. It performs within the Mechanization departments corresponding to Public Institutions, constructing a complete image over the Fleet usage and profitability – through the comparison between the calculated values of the Mechanization production and the actual registered expenses.
This solution communicates with the dedicated modules for the Financial – Accounting, Management and Payroll area within ERP PAA, ensuring a real-time transfer of the expenses’ values registered on equipment (assimilated to Cost Centers) at the level of primary documents (Invoices, Consumer Vouchers, Tax receipts, Salary statements, etc.). Additionally, it supports the services’ values transfer towards beneficiaries, in accordance with the contractual agreements and types of services performed based on the centralized Roadmaps. Therefore, the application serves as the source of information in calculating and distributing Costs / Cost Price – providing several distribution keys used for services’ calculation (in km, hours and fuel consumption as unit measures) in order to distribute the Mechanization Expenses.
As for the covered functionalities, this software includes: Automating the process of analyzing Roadmap / Timekeeping Files, Transmitting warning messages concerning the scheduled revisions (quantifiable in operating hours and kilometers by days / months), Centralizing all the information regarding the equipment and its adjustments over time, Repair and Cadence Management (km, hours, days) – equipment repairs over types of services, Calculating the Mechanization Production and Operating indices, etc.
In order to accurately analyze certain financial-accounting values from different points of view, it is important to ensure their registration from all perspectives. Based on this premise, the ERP PAA system was designed to cover this desideratum through the Multidimensional Accounting option.
With the assistance of this option, Accounting is no longer limited to a fixed number of analysis dimensions and can be adapted to any conditions regarding the evaluation and follow-up. Accordingly, it is not limited to the dimensions’ applicability either (the number of accounts that could be tracked in multiple dimensions).
By using its mechanisms, the effort of registering the accounting transactions in multiple dimensions is imperceptible. The accounting for Public Institutions has been aligned with the recommendations concerning the reporting process towards Ministry of Finance – ForexeBug, which permits recording Accounting Transactions over specific accounts with the information regarding the Sector Code, Financing Code, Financing Source, Budget Article etc., without impacting the structure of the Accounts Chart, however being adaptable to any subsequent legislative changes.
This tracking option conducts the analysis regarding the Budgeted vs. Achieved amounts within a Financial – Accounting exercise, over multiple dimensions as well. Within this option, the budgeting and tracking processes are not limited to Revenues and Expenses items only, but can be extended to all required indicators. It operates by registering the Budgeted values on Budgeted Items (Budget Accounts) that could be intersected with Accounting Dimensions or not, over multiple months within a Financial – Accounting Year, and comparing them with the acquired values from the Accounting transactions that are settled over accounts assimilated to Budget Articles. Through the Comparative Analysis interfaces, it is ensured the possibility to scale the analysis as well. This option is complementary to the Budget Execution advanced through PAA A.L.O.P module and does not intersect with the Commitment Accounting. Within Public Institutions is applied the principle of budgeting over Expenditures’ Functional Structures in agreement with the approved Budgets.
The PAA WinSal application registers all the information regarding employees and integrates it within the ERP Power Account system. For each employee can be stored information concerning identifying data, status within company, personal and additional deductions, and other optional information regarding the education / professional experience, medical condition, military evidence etc.
This program ensures a complete salary calculation mechanism, by proceeding through all stages involved in this process: down payments calculation, rest and medical leave, timesheets, bonuses, deductions due to the state / company, liquidation calculation, payroll / salary flyers generation, as well as transmitting the centralized salaries and monthly statement towards state institutions (CAS, CASS, Unemployment, Fiscal Fees etc.), in accordance with the current legal provisions.
As regard the main functionalities, the software includes: Ensuring the entire set of information and documents to support HR processes, Automating the Salary calculation process – liquidation, Calculation and record of meal tickets, Integrating the information into ERP Power Account, Reporting towards institutions, etc.
The solution is adapted to the Commitment Accounting associated to Public Institutions, performing calculations and developing statements over Financing Sources and Budget Items. The accounting notes generated from liquidations’ calculation are in accordance with the recommendations implied on the reporting process towards ForexeBug.
Highly important option in automating the centralization process concerning the information generated in PAA WinSal application, in line with all periodic updates, in order to ensure the reporting action to Revisal. All the required information for Revisal reporting is centralized and consolidated within WinSal – Revisal Application, without demanding the manual operation.